Toddlers in snow gear, with their little mittens and over-sized helmets and goggles, are cute enough, but when they start sliding around on the snow and developing their own stoke for snowsports they become unbearably adorable. We’ve been having an internal debate in the offices about who is cuter: baby snowboarders or skiers. We can’t agree so we thought we’d put the question to you to settle it.

Watch the videos below and fill out our poll at the bottom of the page.

14-month Sloan, of Salt Lake City, Utah, learns to snowboard a month after learning to walk

17-month-old Aspen learns to snowboard and even ride some mini boxes in Keystone’s Burton Riglet Park.

Aurora, 18 months (at the time this video was taken), gets really excited when it’s time to go ski at her home mountain Alyeska, Alaska.

And then there’s Ava, age 2 (at the time the video was taken), of Mammoth Mountain, who can ski and snowboard.