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Who’s wearing what? A preview of the best Olympic team uniforms

Hubertus von Hohenlohe designed the Mariachi racing suit he will compete in the Slalom event at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics

Hubertus von Hohenlohe designed the Mariachi racing suit he will compete in the Slalom event at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics

The Olympic Opening Ceremony is very possibly the world’s biggest runway. What athletes wear during the Opening Ceremony and during competition is always a subject of interest. These uniforms represent both the countries and the athletes wearing them, yet they must also meet the functional demands of the athlete’s sport. Many world-renowned designers and their teams spend countless hours making them just so. We’ve already noticed a couple of uniform standouts and they’re too good not to share.

Mexico’s Mariachi Ski Racing Suit

Hubertus von Hohenlohe, a Mexican athlete and a descendant of German royalty, has been making headlines for his design of a Mariachi racing suit which he will don in the Men’s Slalom event. At age 55 von Hohenlohe is Mexico’s only athlete in the Sochi Games. He admits he likely will not win any medals, but rather, is more interested in earning style points and making people smile.

Ralph Lauren’s U.S. Team Uniforms

Created by one of America’s most iconic designers, Ralph Lauren, the U.S. Team Uniforms exude, classic, sporty Americana. Ralph Lauren put an incredible amount of work and thought into the U.S. Olympic Team Uniforms and the result is some of the coolest and most authentic Olympic kits we’ve seen to date. One particularly notable piece within the uniform collection is the Opening Ceremony Sweater, which was created using wool from a 142-year-old Oregon sheep farm. Ralph Lauren partnered with 40 American businesses to create the 2014 uniform collection, which will outfit 650 athletes. Check out the video below for a preview of the U.S. Team Collection.

The North Face Official U.S. Freeskiing Slopestyle and Halfpipe Uniforms

A new Olympic sport gets a new look. The North Face spent 1,300 hours in R&D to design the ultra-cool red, white and blue kits that the Freeskiing Slopestyle and Halfpipe athletes will don during competition. We were able to check them out in person at the 2014 Snowsports Industries America Trade Show in Denver, Colo.

Germany’s Rainbow Uniforms

It’s no secret that there’s been a lot of controversy surrounding the Sochi Games, most notably terrorist threats and the Russian government’s recent passage of anti-gay laws. Many athletes, and countries for that matter, have tried to figure out a way they can stand up to Russia’s intolerant laws and still compete in the Games. One look at the bright, multi-colored German outfits and it’s hard not to think of a gay pride flag. Longtime ski apparel designer Willy Bogner claims the pieces were conceptualized before the Russia’s anti-gay laws were passed, but regardless many people are already drawing inspiration from the uniforms.

To see these uniforms in action, as well as all the other countries not mentioned, tune into NBC at 7:30 p.m. ET for the 2014 Sochi Olympic Opening Ceremony. Tweet @skicom and tell us which uniforms you like best.

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